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is a story of a forgotten son who returns to his supposed place of
birth, only to find himself unwelcome. He is captured as a defyer
and is brought to the king for "purification". His soul must be
purified before Marduk, the God of time. But Arad survives to become
something that he can never forgive. The story takes place 4500 years
ago in the lands of Sumeria, only a few centuries after the birth of civilization and
the destruction of the tower of Babel.
It is a time
when the people of Sumer and Akkad have forgotten their past. The
only thing they remember is that they have been praying to the
hand of their king; believing the hand to be the
shadow of hand of Marduk, the God of the world. It is the hand that
rules their army and it is the hand that brings rain. The hand of
the king, the holiest thing on face of the earth; what connects
their mortal world to the lands of Marduk. They have made great
sculptures of the hands of seven legendary kings of the past to keep
the memories of their glorious heritage alive forever. Among their oldest beliefs is a deep dread of handless people,
those who are considered defyers. The cursed who rot the pillars of
society and power. The defyers are often banished, tortured or
killed, infants and adults alike. No one can remember the origin of
this fear.
is a USC Master's thesis film. It was shot at the end of
summer 2009 at Robert Zemeckis center in Los Angeles. The
post-production is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2012.
The estimated running time is 10 minutes. The goal is to bring
something to the screen which has not been seen before.